Monday, October 24, 2016

Week 105

These past two years have been the greatest of my life! I was thinking about what would be the most appropriate thing to send home to help you guys understand how I have felt while on my mission and I have just decided to send out my reflection. At the end of our mission, we have the opportunity to give our reflection, which is about a five minute little speech reflecting how our missions have gone. We usually give our reflection during some sort of zone training meeting. I gave my reflection two weeks ago. Here is what I shared...

About a year ago, I had an experience that changed my mission. I was serving in a more rural area of the mission and I had put a lot of heart in the area where I was serving. I loved the people of that area. There was one particular investigator that was really important to me. He was the investigator I knew needed the gospel so much and who seemed ready and willing to receive it. However one day as we left our apartment, I found a bag sitting on my bike. The bag was filled with a white shirt and tie, which was the same white shirt and tie we had given to this investigator. We found out that because of some experiences he had had in his life, he decided he did not believe in God and he wanted nothing to do with us. That was a hard day. I remember I was consumed by feelings of sorrow and disappointment. I got to the point where I didn't feel like going out and proselyting. I decided to ask my companion for a priesthood blessing and that blessing is what changed my mission. While giving me the blessing, my companion used the words "God is grateful for the work you have done here."
That changed my mission. I was lifted up into joy when I received that blessing. I began to see all the great things that the Lord had given me on my mission as I thought of all the great experiences I had had while serving here. As I was thinking what I wanted to focus on during my reflection, I decided to focus on how my mission has been a joy. That is the one word I would use to describe it; it has been a JOY.
This is truly the greatest experience I have ever had in my life. I have had experiences that have changed me forever. I have met people that have changed me forever. I have been places that I have never dreamed I would go to. This has definitely been the most joyful experience of my life. I am so grateful that God has given me this opportunity.
So, I want you elders and sisters to know that this mission is going to be the most joyful experience you have ever had. You new missionaries get ready for some of the greatest experiences you have ever had. Yes, it will be hard sometimes and there will be a lot of trials and challenges, but just know that the miracles and the blessings always outweigh the bad.
Now, I would like to quote my mother. During one of the most difficult times of my mission, actually during one of the most difficult times of my life, my mother told me that "everything God gives us is a blessing."  I know that this is true. This mission has been a blessing.
That experience a year ago could have discouraged me for the rest of my mission. I could have focused on all the hard parts or all the trials I was having during that time on my mission. But in the priesthood blessing my companion gave me, the Spirit taught me to focus on the blessings. The Lord is grateful for the efforts we have made. He is filled with joy because of our missionary work. Let us follow him and also be filled with the joy of missionary work. 
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
I know that this is true! My mission has been the greatest! I am so sad that I have to leave this phase of my life. I have loved it.
Elder Quist

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