Monday, June 1, 2015

Week 32

Last week in Shalu?
Another great week in Shalu! We had a lot of miracles this week, including the rain stopping (for themost part). Apparently the rain has been pretty strong lately, most people in my mission said it doesn't usually rain this much. I think it might be because we are up north, and the north is pretty rainy (the Taibei area). I hope it slows down and doesn't come back too much.. but I guess we will see.

This is the last week of the transfer! Kind of crazy that I have been in Shalu for 14 weeks! I have been here for a month longer that I ever was in Washington. It's crazy to think that.. If I had to guess I would say the time feels pretty equal.. Maybe even a little longer in Washington. But I think it's just because time is going faster and faster.. I have been out for almost a third of my mission... My mind is blown when I think about that. So the transfer is ending, that means I will almost definitely be switching things up next week. Either Elder Fox will leave or I will. We aren't really sure who is moving.  Elder Fox has been here for about 6 months, and any longer than 6 months in one area is pretty long, but at the same time he is going home after next transfer, and he really wants to stay in Shalu. So he has been trying to drop some hints to President Blickentstaff, and also the two APs in the office right now came to Taiwan with him, so he is really pushing to stay for his last transfer. I am pretty open to anything, so I guess we will see what happens.

I hear all great things about the new Payson Temple coming. Everyone tells me it is a really beautiful temple and people are coming from everywhere to see it. I feel bad for the people working at Dairy Queen for the last few weeks! DQ must be killing it lately. The dedication is next week, so you guys will all have to tell me how that is. I will make sure going there is one of the first things I do when I get back. 

Also, I heard about Elder Perry passing away. That is a sad thing, but at the same time I feel like Heaven must be pretty nice for an Apostle...I still remember when I met Elder Perry on Temple Square those years ago. I always thought that he would be the prophet one day. Besides President Hinckely, this is the first time I remember an apostle passing away, all the other ones I was too young to remember. So it is a weird thing for me. Do they just have 11 Apostles until the next conference? Or do they call one earlier and we sustain them in church?

We are having a baptism this week! It is for Charles (Or Chen Jun Hong, our investigator who's girlfriend is a member). I am nervous, because he said I could baptize him... I guess we will see how it goes. We also might have Jonas get baptized, but he still needs his parents signature, so I'm not sure.

This last week we had a cool bowling activity for the ward. We invited a bunch of less-actives and investigators, but only a few people came. It was still fun though. I didn't do so well... But I actually bowled a 106 my second time, which isn't bad for me!

Things are going well here and I am glad I get to serve in Shalu! I hope if I do move I don't go to far south, because apparently the south gets pretty hot and humid in the summer. 

Love you all!
Elder Quist

PS Congrats on the new baby Josh and Allie! Ember Grace Quist! I can't wait to meet her in a couple years!

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